News Releases:
CFIA: Work in COVID-infected meat plants, or else
CFIA is ordering its staff to work in facilities that are not safe, and without the proper personal protective gear.
Handout to food processors misses the mark on worker safety
The Prime Minister’s announcement today concerning safety in food processing plants completely misses the mark
JBS Canada is the latest meat packer to be infected by COVID-19
Sixty-seven people associated with the operations of one of Canada’s largest beef slaughter facilities have tested positive for COVID-19
Food processing staff need protection
Federal and provincial authorities have been slow to safeguard inspection
On Harmony Beef, Kenney is irresponsible and wrong
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is wrong to assert that the Harmony meat plant was shut down because federal inspectors refuse to work there
Major Phoenix victory – No more gross payback for overpayments.
No more gross payback for overpayments.
Union News:
Henriette H. Pollon (nee Love) Henriette passed away at Misericordia Place after a lengthy illness. She is survived by her beloved husband William.Henriette was born in Dauphin, but...
Working from home challenges to equity groups
While a lot of Federal Sector Managers reported during the Covid pandemic that their staff have been more than productive while working from home, The Federal government wants to enforce a mandatory 3 day / week working from the offices instead of working from home...
Our National Vision Photo Contest
Regions photos winners from our contest "Our National Vision" The grand prize winner - Teresa Fehr Thank you everybody for your participation Annexe 12 - Photo Contest First Round Winners
Solidarity Strike photo from our regions
CFIA bargaining: PSAC declares impasse in bargaining
Following eight months of negotiations with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), PSAC’s bargaining team has made the difficult decision to declare impasse for more than 4,100 members working at CFIA, and will file for conciliation.
We are in the second year of the government’s aggressive and heavy-handed plan to recover overpayments caused by Phoenix.
CFIA and Treasury Board Negotiations: We are gearing up for mobilization.
One Million Dollar Strike Fund
Treasury Board strike votes
PSAC announces strike votes for 120,000 federal public service members
For media requests, please contact:
Jim Thompson
Briefing Notes:
MPs misled about changes to diminish health and safety in the Canada Labour Code
Agriculture Union blows the whistle on Employment Skills Development Canada officials who misled Parliamentarians concerning amendments to water down health and safety provisions of the Canada Labour Code.