PI Review Update

After much effort and support from our members working in Inspection at CFIA, we are nearing the completion of the Primary Products (PI) Review and its resulting mass grievances filed in 2000 and 2007.  In mid-August we provided a full and detailed update to all our members who filed grievances related to the Review.  Since our mail-out, a number of these letters have been returned because the address is invalid.  If you filed a grievance related to the PI Review in 2000 and/or 2007 and have not received a letter in the past few weeks, please contact our office as soon as possible with your current address and we will mail the letter to you.

In our correspondence, we provided information on PI Review grievances that have been resolved.  We also provided an update on those grievances that remain active and those that will be closed.  Finally, we requested additional information from members with issues that remain outstanding.  If you have related grievances that are not addressed in our correspondence, please contact our office as soon as possible and within two weeks of receipt of our correspondence.  We can be reached at agrunion@psac-afpc.com or by telephone at 613-560-4306.