Agriculture Union members employed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency will soon have the opportunity to view comprehensive details of the proposed collective agreement reached the first week in February.
Our bargaining agent, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, is preparing a ratification kit containing an in-depth presentation of the contract changes that will soon be posted on-line for viewing. In the meantime, an overview of the major items of the tentative agreement can be seen HERE.
For the first time ever, the PSAC will be conducting an electronic ratification vote. The voting period will extend from April 24, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. to June 4, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. (E.S.T). No paper ballots will be used, votes can be cast by landline, computer or smartphone.
Ratification information meetings will be held, both face-to-face in identified locations and through electronic means (webinar format), to explain the changes to the collective agreement before voting begins.
You must be a union member in good standing to vote. As well, we must have an accurate home mailing address as well as a home email address for each member of the bargaining unit, as the PSAC will be sending a personal identification number (PIN) to all members eligible to vote. More specific information will soon be communicated and accordingly, members will receive a go-to-meeting invitation shortly.
If you are not currently a union member, or should you need to update your address information, please contact your workplace Agriculture Union Local representative as soon as possible.