Human Rights
The Agriculture Union is committed to ensuring equality for all members in the workplace and in our union. This commitment is shown by ensuring opportunities are available for women, persons with disabilities, racially-visible, aboriginal and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered members in all facets of our union activity.
Click on any of the following topics to obtain more information
Agriculture Union Human Rights Network
The Agriculture Union Human Rights Network is a tool for our equity members to communicate and participate in activities within the union and within their workplaces.
Members of the network will receive information on equity events and opportunities available in their respective area as well as nationally.
While optional, those members self-identifying as from a particular designated group may also be used as resource persons for the Agriculture Union Human Rights Committee and the National Council.
If you would like to become a member of the Network, or would like more information, please send an e-mail to Gus Mardi. Please indicate which region you are from, and your contact information. As an option, we welcome you to self-identify as a member of any of the five designated groups.
Agriculture Union Human Rights Committee
The Agriculture Union Human Rights Committee is mandated to promote awareness of equity and human rights issues by providing resources, information and educational opportunities for all members.
The following individuals are the National Council members responsible for Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and Employment Equity:
- Gus Mardli – National Director, Human Rights
- Audrey St-Germain – Third National Executive Vice-President
- Regional Representatives from each of our union’s seven regions.
The Human Rights Committee meets annually for a minimum of two days. Additional meetings are held as needed via teleconference.
Members of the Agriculture Union Human Rights Committee
Members of the Agriculture Union Human Rights Committee, and their contact information, are listed below. Our Committee has Regional Representatives located across the country. You are welcome to contact them for information on activities in their area.
Human Rights Committee Meeting Minutes
Click on any of the following links to download and read Committee meeting minutes:
Download the Committee’s most recent Terms of Reference
Download the Committee’s 2009-2011 National Work Plan
PSAC Equity Conferences
Our bargaining agent, the Public Service Alliance of Canada, holds a number of Equity Conferences on a triennial basis. These include (links will be ‘live’ when the latest Conference information is available):
- National Aboriginal Peoples’ Conference
- National Access Conference
- National Pride Conference
- National Women’s Conference
- National Conference for Racially Visible Members
Interested in becoming an Agriculture Union delegate to one of these PSAC Conferences?